Rapid Investigations
Examining your body periodically is vital to stay up-to-date on your health. We offer a range of health screenings and help you set you free from life-threatening illness. Our laboratory personnel will handle you with care making you comfortable and take care of your health screenings. We give you choice and flexibility for taking your tests and try to provide the results on the same day where possible. This applies to certain tests only.
+ Allergy Testing
Our allergy testing profiles provide a comprehensive analysis of common allergens and irritants to get to the bottom of your skin, respiratory and digestive allergic responses.
Allergy Profiles
Allergy Profile (UK) -£220.00
Food Print 200 IgG test-£499.00
Allergy Comprehensive Profile (Food & Inhalants) -£624.00
Allergy Profile 8 (Cereal – singles) -£186.00
Allergy Profile 9 (Antibiotics) -£190.00
Allergy Profile 12 (Milk & Milk Proteins) -£280.00
+ Blood Test Package
Standard Blood Screening Package - £180.00
This carefully selected panel of tests contains the essential blood tests to assess your current state of health and well-being. This profile is ideal for people of all ages, to establish baseline levels or monitor important health markers.
A standard blood package includes the following tests:
- Full Blood Count
- Diabetes Screen
- Cholesterol Levels
- Thyroid Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Kidney Function Test
+ Individual Blood Tests
We provide a full range of comprehensive tests...
- 24Hs. Urine Catecholamin £200
- ACTH (Adreno Corticotrophic Hormone) £140
- AFP (Alpha Feta Protein) £85
- Albumin £50
- Alcohol £125
- ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) £50.
- Aluminium £90
- AMH (Antimullerian Hormone) £160
- Amylase £85
- Anaemia Profile £205
- ANDRO £153
- Anti Cardio Lipin £62
- Anti DNA se-B Antibody £165
- Anti-Ovarian entibodies £86
- Anti-partetal Cell antibodies £285
- Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies £86
- Antihrombin £105
- Antimicrosomal Antibody (AMA) £65
- Antiphospholipid (APA) £135
- Antithyroglobin (ATA/ATG) £65
- Apolipoprotein B £81
- Aso Titre £60
- Auto-Antibody Profile 1 £194
- Autoantibody Profile 2 £205
- Beta HCG £75
- Bicarbonate £40
- Bilirubin £45
- Blood Group (ABO/Rh) £98
- Blood Tests (Lead) £150
- Bone Screen £175
- Borr lymes IGM IGG £110
- C Peptide £170
- C Reactive Protein £75
- C1 esterase inhibitor level £120
- CA 72-4 (Ovary, Stomach) £152
- CA125 (Ovary) £147
- CA153 (Breast) £150
- CA199 (Colorectal, Gastrointestinal, Pancreas) £160
- CA50 (Bladder, Colon) £150
- Calcium £60
- Candida Ab/Ag £250
- Carbon Dioxide £26
- Cardiac Enzymes £70
- CDT (Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin) £170
- CDT - Carbohydrate Deficient Trandferrin £200
- CEA (Stomach, Liver, Breast, Ovary, Gastrointestinal, Lung) £155
- Chest pain profile £155
- Chlamydia (Urine) £102
- Chloride £30
- Cholesterol Profile £55
- Coagulation Profile 1 CLP £95
- Coagulation Profile 2 CLOT (Prothrombin Time, Thrombin Time, APTT) £95
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel £125
- Cortisol £85
- Creatine Kinase (CK Blood for Heart) £65
- CRP £75
- Cytomegalovirus IgG & IgM (CMV) £125
- D- Dimers £95
- DHEA Sulphate £155
- DHEAs £150
- Diabetes Screening £73
- Didihydrotestosterone £170
- DPD Urine (Deoxyoyridinoline) £130
- Drugs of Abuse Profile - Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepine, Cannabinoids, Cocaine, Codeine, Ephedrine, MDMA, Methadone, Metanepharines, Morphine £250
- Ecoli (urine culture test) £90
- Epstein Barr Virus(EBV-DNA) £200
- ESR £55
- Estriol (Oestriol) £110
- Factor XA £140
- Faecal Occult test £100
- Fasting insulin £60
- FBC (Full Blood Count) £55
- Ferritin £95
- Fibrinogen £90
- FIT test £60
- Folate (folic acid) serum £95
- Free T3 £70
- Free T4 £75
- Free Testosterone £85
- FSH £70
- GAD £180
- Gamma GT Liver function test £40
- Genesis Serenity Blood Test £350 Genesis Serenity- Microdeletions and additional chromosomes- £70
- GenoType £120
- GHB £37
- Globulin £38
- Glucose £55
- Glucose Tolerance Test £195
- Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD65) £185
- Gonorrhoea (Urine) £95
- GSA Gluten Sensitivity Evaluation £207
- GTT £155
- H.pylori Antibodies (IgG) £115
- H.pylori Antigen (Breath Test) £125
- H.pylori Antigen (Stool) £135
- Haemoglobin Electrophoresis £95
- Harmony Test £350
- HbA1c £75
- HDUO £70
- HE4 £130
- Hemoglobin A1c £53
- Hep B Full Profile £196
- Hep B Immunity £75
- Hep B sAg £75
- Hep C Abs £105
- Hep C Ag £90
- Hepatitis A Immunity (IgG) £75
- Hepatitis A Profile £125
- Hepatitis C Viral Load £365
- Hepatitis Screening £440
- Herpes I/II Antibody profile IgG £105
- Herpes I/II IgM £110
- Herpes Simplex £105
- HIV 1&2/P24 Antigen £115
- HLA Tissue B27 £175
- HomoCysteine £100
- Homocysteine £100
- HPV (20 types) £165
- HPV 16,18 plus others £80
- HPV Low & High risk £129
- HRT Profile 1 £140
- HRT Profile 2 £140
- HVS (Culture Swab) £90
- IgE £90
- IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) £100
- Immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM, IgA) £130
- Impotence Profile/Erectile Dysfunction Profile £261
- Inhibin B (day 3 of cycle) £159
- INR £75
- Insect/Worm/Ova/Cysts £106
- Insulin £85
- Insulin Antibodies £113
- Intolerance food testing 200 foods £400
- Iron £107
- Islet Cell Antibodies £80
- Kidney function test £55
- Laser Therapy - 1 Infusion £250
- LDH £35
- Lead £80
- Lead (Blood) £90
- LFTs £70
- LH (Lutenising Hormone) £65
- Lipid Profile £117
- Lipoprotein (A) £85
- Liver function test £65
- Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgG, IgM £99
- Magnesium £80
- Measles Immunity £115
- Melatonin £131
- Menopause Profile £165
- Mercury £88
- Mineral Profile £151
- Mineral Screen - General £255
- Mineral Screen - Whole Blood £305
- Minor Podiatry Surgery £350
- MMA - Methylmalonic Acid Profile test £215
- MSU (Urine Test)£47MTHFR (mutation test, A1298C, C677T) £365
- Mumps Antibodies (IgM) £100
- Natural Killer Profile (P12) £385
- NK Assay - Follow Up -£263
- Oestradiol (E2) OEST £370
- Omega 3/Omega 6 £143
- Ovarian Auto antibodies £86
- Oxidative Stress in Semen (ROS) £143
- Parathyroid Hormone £125
- Phospholipid Abs £135
- Pituitary Function Profile £325
- Plasma Viscosity £90
- Progesterone £63
- Prolactin £63
- Prostate Profile PR2 (Total & Free PSA) £115
- PSA (Totall) £78
- REA £38
- Renin / Alclosterone Ratio £300
- Reverse T3 £120
- RF (Rheumatoid Factor) £55
- Rubella Immunity £77
- Safe MMA1 (Fighters test) £95
- Semen Analysis (Fertility)£205
- Serum Iron £68
- Serum tryptase level £160
- SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)£70
- Sickle Cell £117
- Sports Performance £555
- Stool Culture £92
- Streptococcal Throat swab £65
- Swab for Microbiology £115
- Syphilis IgG/IgM£75T4 £80
- TB Quantiferon£157Telomere Length Titanova £405
- Telomeres Spain £655
- Testicular tumor profile TTP £145
- Testosterone £76
- Testosterone Free £125
- Tetanus Blood test £125
- TG test £85
- Th1 / Th2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratio £245
- Thalasimia £195
- Thrombophilia Screen £620
- Thyroglobulin Antibody £90
- Thyroid Abs £80
- Thyroid function test £55
- Thyroid microsomal anti bodies £95
- Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody £125
- Thyroid Profile 1 £105
- Thyroid Profile 2 (T4, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Thyroid Antibodies)£201
- Thyroid Profile 3 (FT3, FT4, TSH)£122
- TIBC £68
- Torch Screening £300
- Total IgE £68
- Toxoplasma iGG + IGM £91
- TPO antibodies £125
- Transferrin £96
- Triglycerides £38
- Troponin T £170
- Tryptase £171
- TSH£75U/Es £64
- Urea £38
- Ureaplasma swab £75
- Uric acid £50
- Urine acr £90
- Varicella zoster (IgG and IgM)£105
- VDRL (RPR)£60
- Viral Antibody Screen £211
- Vitamin B Profile £405
- Vitamin B1 £174
- Vitamin B12 Blood Test £123
- Vitamin D (25 OH) £105
- Vitamin D Blood Test D3 £125
- Vitamin D3 (Serum, Frozen) £125
- Vitamin Profile £428
- Vitamin Profile 1 £355
- Vitamin Profile 2 £505
- Vitamin Profile 3 £750
- Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Antibodies £125
- Zika £280
- Zika Antibodies IgG & IgM£142Zika Blood Test £245
- Zinc £70
- Allergy Test FoodPrint200 £495
- Cardiovascular Risk Profile £340
- Covid Antibody Test £99
- Covid PCR test £199
- Essential Health Check - FBC - Kidney function - Liver function - Glucose - Cholesterol - CRP - Thyroid function - Urine Test - Chest X-Ray £395
- Female Hormone Profile: - FSH - LH - Oestradiol - Prolactin - Testosterone £210
- Male Hormone Profile: - FSH - LH - Oestradiol - Prolactin - Testosterone - SHBG - Free Androgen Index £215
- Mineral Screening - Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Chromium, Manganese £280
- Mineral Screening - Rbc Industrial Heavy Metal Screen (Trace Metals) £400
- Ovarian Cancer Screening: - Abdominal and Pelvic 3D Ultrasound Scan CA15 Ovarian Cancer blood test £600
- Prenatal Screening: -The Serenity blood test: Non-invasive Prenatal testing Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan £450
- Rheumatology Profile £324
- Standard Blood Screening: - FBC - Kidney function - Liver function - Glucose - Cholesterol - CRP - Thyroid function £175
- STD 7 - Chlamydia Trachomatis, N.Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas Vaginalis, Gardnerella, Herpes Simplex £320
- STD Full 1: - Hep B Surface AG - Hep C AB - Syphilis (VDRL) - HIV 1 & 2 AB £200 STD
- Full Screen: - Chlamydia PCR - Gonorrhoea - Hep B Surface AG - Hep C AB - Syphilis (VDRL) - HIV 1 & 2 AB £260
- Torch £300
- Premium Medical check-up (consultation, standard blood tests + Vit D + Vit B12, urine test, chest x-ray) £595
- Premium Medical check-up (standard blood tests + Vit D + Vit B12, urine test, WITHOUT chest x-ray, Consultation) £420
- Standard Medical check-up (consultation, standard blood tests, urine test) £380
- Urine test (for infection, diabetes, kidney disease)£50Well Man 1 blood test without X-Ray £570
- Well Man 2 blood test without X-Ray £590
- Well Man Screening 1 (under 40's). (premium medical + male hormone profile) £775
- Well Man Screening 1 (under 40's). (premium medical + male hormone profile) WITHOUT Chest X ray £720
- Well Man Screening 2 (over 40's) (premium medical + male hormone profile + PSA cancer marker) £795
- Well Woman 1 (under 40's) (premium medical + female hormone profile £570
- Well Woman Screening 1 (under 40's) (premium medical + female hormone profile) £775
- Well Woman Screening 2 (over 40's) (premium medical + female hormone profile + CA125 cancer marker) £795
- Well Woman Screening 2 (over 40's) (premium medical + female hormone profile + CA125 cancer marker) WITHOUT Chest X ray. £720
- Well Women 2 blood test without X-Ray £590