Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This month we are honouring Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and fundraising for the cause.
In this article, we cover what breast cancer is, ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer and more.
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in breast tissue. It occurs when breast cells change and grow uncontrollably. Additionally, women are mostly diagnosed with breast cancer. However, in rare cases, men can be diagnosed too.
What are the symptoms of breast cancer?
Symptoms of breast cancer include the following:
A new lump in the breast or underarm (armpit)
Swelling in the breast
Flaky skin/redness in the breast area/nipple
Pain in the breast
Nipple discharge (not breast milk), including blood
Change in appearance of your nipple
What will happen when I’m diagnosed with breast cancer?
If you notice that you have breast cancer symptoms, make sure you see a GP as soon as possible. If your GP thinks you need further examination, they will refer you to a specialist breast clinic, where you will undergo the necessary examinations.
Furthermore, if you are diagnosed with cancer, you will be provided with the following options to help with treatment, depending on the stage of your breast cancer:
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy
How can I prevent the risk of developing breast cancer?
Unfortunately, in some cases, breast cancer risk factors can be unavoidable, such as family history.
However, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to decrease the risk of developing breast cancer:
Limit alcohol consumption
Maintain a healthy weight
Exercise regularly or be physically active
Have a healthy diet
What is the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a campaign observed by many people across the globe. This campaign is significant as it encourages early detection of breast cancer and proactivity regarding health.
Moreover, Breast Cancer Awareness Month withholds solidarity with those who are suffering or have suffered from breast cancer, and encouragement for breast cancer patients to stay strong.
We are here to help
We are available Monday – Friday 9am to 8pm. Contact us to request specialist help.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7935 6554